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Radiation Test Results

In response to rising concerns of possible radiological contamination of drinking water, NMCL (the Berkey manufacturer) is proud to announce the release of new radiation test results for the Black Berkey water filters. Following is a short summary of the radioactive contaminants found to be removed and links to the official pdf test results commissioned by the manufacturer. For the complete lab reports please see: Alpha Radiological Lab Test Results, Beta Radiological Lab Test Results and Uranium Lab Test Results.

Gross Alpha Reduction Test Results

The Black Berkey filters were found to reduce the presence of radioactive Gross Alpha concentration in the tap water by at least 98.7%. Potential gross alpha contaminants/emitters in water:

  1. Americium-241
  2. Mendelevium-258
  3. Neptunium-237
  4. Plutonium-238 and -239
  5. Polonium-210
  6. Protactinium-231
  7. Radium-226 and -228
  8. Thorium-232
  9. Uranium-235 and -238
  10. Gross Beta Reduction Test Results

    The Black Berkey filters were found to reduce the presence of radioactive Gross Beta concentration in the tap water by at least 95.3%. Potential gross beta contaminants/emitters in water:

    1. Actinium-227
    2. Californium-251 and -252
    3. Cesium-137
    4. Cobalt-60
    5. Iodine-129 and -131
    6. Lead-210
    7. Nickel-63
    8. Promethium-145
    9. Strontium-90
    10. Technetium-99
    11. Uranium Reduction Test Results

      The Black Berkey filters were found to reduce the presence of radioactive Uranium concentration in the tap water by at least 97%.

Berkwy Water Filters